Period 1
-review Polymer and Hydrocarbon study guide
-consult with kids about levels for next year
-Study Island after test if time
*School play is during periods 3/4 Period 4
-test review Period 7
-test review
Period 1
-review Polymer and Hydrocarbon study guide
-consult with kids about levels for next year
Period 1:
-project Polymers study pamphlet onto Smartboard and review together. Try practice CAPT questions
-begin review of L3 Hydrocarbons/Polymers study guide
-Use CAPT scoring rubric (3-2-1-0) and show examples of good/bad answers
-same as 2
Period 1- Finish Hydrocarbon and petroleum pamphlet (from yesterday); Build hydrocarbon models
Period 2- review Polymer lab; use soc st COW to begin lab report; introduce kids to Study Island tests; lab is due next Tuesday Period 4- review Polymer lab; use soc st COW to begin lab report; introduce kids to Study Island tests; lab is due next Tuesday Period 6/7- lab; review Polymer lab; use soc st COW to begin lab report; introduce kids to Study Island tests; lab is due next TuesdayPeriod 1- Finish reviewing Age of Polymer questions (from yesterday's movie). Complete the Petroleum and Hydrocarbon Study Guide (attached)
Period 2, 4, 7- conduct polymer lab