Monthly Archives: April 2011
L2 L3 Tuesday, April 12 C
L2 L3 Monday, April 11 B
All students: return permission slips (for Yale planetarium and Six Flags) and $$ by this Wed, 4/13!
Periods 1, 2, 4, 7:-mini PPT “quiz” on moon phases (except per 7 already did this)
-PPT on tides, eclipses and seasons LAB Period 3:
-Plan Angle of Insolation lab and demo the Vernier probes w/ the COW
Moon tonight
Hi Earth Sci fans… Go outside and look for the Moon….what phase is it? Tweet or FB me your answer. See if you can figure it out yourself (don’t Google it:).
L2 L3 Friday, April 8 A
Remember to return the permission slips and checks for both field trips by Wed. 4/13!
Periods 1, 2, 4:-Moon Models lab
-Collect Per 1 HW (Moon reading and questions) Period 7:
-review Moon video answers
-review moon phases
-Moon Dance video (if time) HW:
-Periods 2, 4, 7: Take Moodle Vocab Quiz or do vocab HW by Monday night, 4/11. Anyone scoring below an 80 must do the vocab sheet!
-ALL CLASSES: Moon Phases, Tides and Eclipses Quiz on Tuesday, 4/12!
L3 Thursday, April 7 F
HW: Bring permission slips and checks ($15 for Yale trip, $35 or $45.50 for Six Flags) by next Wed., 4/13.
Period 1: Read Moon Formation article and answer questions for Friday, 4/8. (Article will be handed out in class and posted tomorrow).
Video from on Moon dance (if time)
L2 Thursday, April 7 F
L3 Wednesday, April 6 E
Period 1:
-Remember to bring in your permission slip and $15 for the Yale trip by Wed., April 13th!
-HW: complete the Moon worksheets and reading (Section E, Pages 53-57) for Thursday, 4/7.
Include youtube animation of rotation and revolution:
L2 Wednesday, April 6 E
HW- finish worksheet 28.2 (The Moon) handed out yesterday by the sub
Periods 2, 4, 7:
Bring in signed permission slip and $15 for Yale FT by Wed 4/13
Period 2: finish telescope lab and do PPT on the Earth Moon Sun Motions Periods 4 and 7: PPT on Earth Moon Sun Motions and worksheet 28.2 (posted below)
L3 Tuesday, April 5 D
Period 1:
-Show students the astronomy picture of the day
-Finish Moon video and questions
-Read Moon chapter in textbook and complete study guide for HW