–MIXTURE SEPARATION LABS due Tues 10/4 (per 5 and 7), Wed 10/5 (per 3) and Thurs 10/6 (per 1)
*Register for Mrs. Nork's Earth Science Moodle class! Click on the Science Dept and look for Nork's Earth Science Classes. Enrollment key is "science rules" (include the space).
Per 1 Class:
–The Elements Song by Tom Lehrer and DDN
-hand out Periodic Tables and list of elements to know for quiz
-PPT on Phase Changes, atoms and elements. w/s on phase changes and atomic particles (posted yesterday)
Per 5 Class:
-CFA #2 (Chem pre-test)
-same as Per 1
Per 7/8 Class and LAB:
-finish PPT on Atoms and Elements; w/s on atomic particles
-Element Facebook Profile Activity