-Due Fri 10/7 for Per 1, 3, 7 (and Tues 10/11 for Per 5): read text pages 53-59 and 67-69 and do questions #1-6 on pg. 59 and #2-6 on pg. 69
-Vocab assignment due Tues10/11 for Per 1, 5, 7 and due Wed 10/12 for Per 3. Vocab list is posted below and on Mrs. Nork’s Moodle page. You may upload your vocab to Moodle or bring a hard copy into to class.
–QUIZ on selected element names/symbols next Wed 10/12 Per 3, 5, 7 and Thur 10/13 Per 1
-Quiz on Sci Method and Density
-use COWS to register for Moodle Per 3/4 Class and LAB:
–The Elements Song by Tom Lehrer
-PPT on Matter (States of Matter, Atomic Structure and Elements)
-States of Matter h/o and w/s on counting atomic particles
-Hand out Periodic Tables; know names and symbols for selected elements
Per 7 Class:
-same as Per 3, except for last 2 steps (will do in lab on Tue)