Mrs. Nork will be attending a teacher workshop today.
Period 4 Class:
-work on Skittles graphing activity; refer to the graphing rules given out the other day
-work on Graphing Exercises (due Thurs, 9/12)
-signed safety contract due Wed, 9/11
-graphing exercises and Skittles graphing both due Thurs, 9/12
Period 6 Class:
-same as Per 4
-signed safety contract due Wed, 9/11
-graphing exercises and Skittles graphing both due Fri, 9/13
Period 7/8 Class and LAB:
-same assignment as Per 4 and 6
-signed safety contract due Thurs, 9/12
-graphing exercises and Skittles graphing both due Fri, 9/13