Monthly Archives: December 2013

Tuesday, December 3 A

Period 2 Class:
-warm up- read mock acid rain conclusion and students score it on a 6 point scale; compare to my score
-finish PPT on Polymers and Hydrocarbons (thermosets, etc); identify ex of natural and artificial polymers
-read Petroleum article and answer questions for Thurs, 12/5 (posted last week)

Period 3/4 Class and LAB:
-same warm-up as per 2
-finish PPT on Polymers and Hydrocarbons (thermosets, etc); identify ex of natural and artificial polymers
-review counting carbons handout; explain alkanes, alkenes, alkynes
-start building hydrocarbons lab
-make polymer slime
-diagram pentane, pentene, and pentyne for tomorrow, 12/4

Period 6 Class:
-same warm up as per 2
-finish PPT on Polymers and Hydrocarbons (thermosets, etc); identify ex of natural and artificial polymers
-read Petroleum article and answer questions for Thurs, 12/5 (posted last week)


Monday, December 2 D

Period 4 Class:
-sub- watch The Age of Polymers video (link is here: and answer questions 

Download (PDF, 16KB)

Period 6 Class:
-read “What is Petroleum” and answer questions (posted last Tues)

Period 7/8 Class and LAB:
-watch Bill Nye’s Garbage
-Mrs. Nork returns! Notes on making and naming hydrocarbons and complete first page of lab on building hydrocarbons

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