Period 2 Class:
-warm-up (Ohms law formulas and sample problem)
-review essay assignment from “Who Killed the Electric Car?” video
-build an electromagnet
-take the online electricity vocab quiz if you haven’t done so already. Link is here: Secret word is electricity
-Quiz on Electricity is Thurs, 3/6. Study the review guide given out last week. See below for a copy.
-Electric car essay assignment due Fri, 3/14
Period 6/7 Class and LAB:
-same warm-up as above
-Electricity Space Race ( review game for tomorrow’s quiz
-watch “Who Killed the Electric Car?” dvd and explain essay assignment
-take the online electricity vocab quiz if you haven’t done so already. Link is here: Secret word is electricity
-Quiz on Electricity is Wed, 3/5. Study the review guide given out last week. See below for a copy.
-Electric car essay assignment due Fri, 3/14
Period 8 Class:
-same as Period 6, except finish the dvd and save Electricity Space Race review for tomorrow.
-take the online electricity vocab quiz if you haven’t done so already. Link is here: Secret word is electricity
-Quiz on Electricity is Thurs, 3/6. Study the review guide given out last week. See below for a copy.
-Electric car essay assignment due Fri, 3/14