Tuesday, November 17 D

Period 3 Class:
-finish pecha kuchas
-Acid Rain PPT (will finish tomorrow)
-Study Island assessments

Period 6 Class and Lab:
-brainstorm for acid rain lab (IV, DV, etc)
-show class procedure and data; kids create 2 graphs (mass and pH) and conclusion
-short quiz on acid rain Fri
-graphs and acid conclusion due for acid rain lab on Wed

Period 7 Class:
-finish acid rain lab-2 graphs (mass and pH) and conclusion
-short quiz on acid rain Thurs
-acid rain lab due Thurs

Monday, November 16 C

Acid Rain practice: https://quizlet.com/12426485/43-acid-rain-flash-cards/

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-acid rain cause-effect diagram, color code pH map of US, etc
-get data from rocks and create two graphs (change in mass and pH) and conclusion
-graphs and conclusion due Wed, 11/20
-quiz on acid rain is Thurs, 11/19

Period 6 Class:
-PPT on acid rain (from Ms. Burt)
-quiz on acid rain is Fri, 11/20

Period 7 Class and LAB:
-PPT on acid rain
-acid rain: fact or fake?
-get pH data from samples; filter and let dry
-quiz on acid rain is Thurs, 11/19

Friday, November 13 B

Period 1 Class:
-continue with acid rain lab
-acid rain reading and questions due Mon, 11/16

Period 3 Class and LAB:
-rehearse pecha kuchas, then present to class
-fill out student feedback form for each presentation
-acid rain assignment due Tues, 11/17
-go into Study Island and complete assignments!

Period 7 Class:
-acid rain lab (iv, dv, etc….up to procedure)
-acid rain reading and questions due Mon, 11/16

Wednesday, November 11 D

Period 3 Class:
-Chem test II
-pecha kuchas due Fri, 11/13. Be sure to email me a copy of your published, timed slideshow at beresnorkal.amityteacher@amityschools.org
-acid rain assignment due Tues, 11/17

Period 6 Class and LAB:
-same as Per 1 and 7 yesterday (review for test and start discussing acid rain lab)
-test is tomorrow!

Period 7 Class:
-Chem II test!
-acid rain intro (iv, dv, problem, hyp, constants, control) due Fri
-acid rain assignment due Tues, 11/17

Tuesday, November 10 C

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-review for tomorrow’s test
-watch acid rain videos:


Acid Rain lab- IV, DV, problem statement, hypothesis, control, constant, (do procedure together)
-Chem II test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 6 Class:
-review balancing equations and acid base neutralization reactions; work on study guide
-study guide due Wed, 11/11
-Chem II test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 7 Class and LAB:
-same as per 1
-Test is tomorrow (Wed)

Download (DOC, 209KB)


Monday, November 9 B

Period 1 Class:
-Acids and Bases PPT
-work on study guide….highlight neutralization reactions
-study guide due Tues, Nov 10 and test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 3 Class and LAB:
-review study guide for test on Wed
-meet in 501 for pecha kucha (last day to meet)
-test is Wed, 11/11
-check Study Island for assignments! https://app.studyisland.com/cfw/login
-acid rain reading and questions due Thurs, 11/12
-pecha kucha presentations due Fri, 11/13

Period 7 Class:
-review acid base HW and neutralization reactions
-study guide due Tues, 11/10 and test is Wed, 11/11

Download (DOC, 209KB)

Download (DOC, 92KB)

Download (DOC, 61KB)

Download (DOCX, 105KB)

Friday, November 6 A

Mrs. Nork is STILL SICK and is absent again 🙁
Period 1 Class:
-Acid on the Wind article and questions
-study guide due Tues, 11/10
-test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 3 Class:
-use Chromebooks to work on pecha kuchas
-Chem II test is Wed, 11/11
-pecha kucha presentations start Fri, 11/13
-check Study Island for assessments and due dates!

Period 6 Class:
-work on study guide for Chem II test
-study guide due Wed, 11/11
-Chem II test is Thurs, 11/12

Download (DOC, 209KB)

Thursday, November D

Mrs. Nork is out sick today:(
Period 3 Class:
-Acid on the Wind article and questions
-test is Wed, 11/11
-check Study Island for assignments! https://app.studyisland.com/cfw/login
-pecha kucha presentations due Fri, 11/13

Period 6 Class and LAB:
-Acid on the Wind article and questions
-pHet sims acid base dilution lab: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/ph-scale/latest/ph-scale_en.html
-study guide due Wed, 11/11 and test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 7 Class:
-Acid on the Wind article and questions
-acids and bases ws due Mon, 11/9
-study guide due Tues, 11/10 and test is Wed, 11/11

Download (DOC, 209KB)

Download (PDF, 213KB)

Wednesday, November 4 C

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-use Chromebooks first period and do acid base pHet sims lab. Click here for sim.
-discuss acid, base and neutralization before sim
-review balancing eq HW and show jlab site: http://education.jlab.org/elementbalancing/
-finish balancing sheet for Fri, 11/6
-study guide due Tues, 11/10 and Chem II test is Thurs, 11/12

Period 6 Class:
-review acid/base HW
-balancing equations (all handouts were posted on Mon) and show jlab site (see above for link)
-Thurs, 11/5- balancing equations sheets
-study guide due Tues, 11/10 and Chem II test is Wed, 11/11

Period 7 Class and LAB:
-finish acids and bases PPT (from last week)
-review balancing equations HW and jlab site (see above for link)
-use Chromebooks to do acid base pHet sims lab. Click here for sim.
-acid and bases w/s due Mon, 11/9
-study guide due Tues, 11/10 and Chem II test is Wed, 11/11

Download (DOC, 209KB)

Download (DOCX, 81KB)

Download (DOCX, 69KB)

Download (PPT, 216KB)