Tag Archives: graphing

Friday, September 9 C

HW: signed safety contract, safety cartoon questions and graphing exercises are both due Fri 9/9 for Per 1,  5 and Mon 9/12 for Per 3, 7!

Period 1: conduct lab on Measuring Mass and Volume (posted Thurs); begin metric review (if time permits)

Period 5: finish graphing lab and begin lab on Measuring Mass and Volume

Period 7/8 class and LAB:
   -finish graphing exercises and conduct lab on Measuring Mass and Volume
   -begin metric review (time permitting)
Periods 3 and 4 are dropped today. Have a nice weekend:)

Thursday, September 8 B

Download this file

HW: signed safety contract and safety cartoon questions are both due Fri 9/9 for Per 1, 3, 5 and Mon 9/12 for Per 7!

Period 1: complete graphing activity (started yesterday); begin lab on Measuring Mass and Volume

Period 3/4 class and LAB:
   -notes on graphing rules (posted 9/7)
   -Lab on Measuring Mass and Volume
   -begin graphing activity (posted 9/7)

Period 7:
   -course expectations
   -lab safety contract and questions (both due Monday for per 7 only)
   -notes on graphing rules (posted 9/7)