Tag Archives: l2

L2 L3 Monday, May 2 F

HW for all classes: Complete Planetary data table by Tuesday, May 3! Include at least 2 sources used for your research.
-Open notes quiz on Wed (periods 4, 7) and Fri (periods 1, 2)
-Kepler’s Laws worksheet due Wed!

Periods 1-4:
-Review Earth’s seasons (located on the back of Moon Motions notes) and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion (PPT)

Period 6/7 LAB:
-SUB- Mrs. Nork out. Complete Kepler’s Laws worksheet

Planetary Motion.ppt
Download this file

Moon Earth Motions notes.pdf
Download this file

Kepler’s Laws.pdf
Download this file

L2 L3 Tuesday, April 26 B

Planet Projectnew.doc
Download this file

Some helpful websites for planet research:





All Classes:
-Begin work on the Planet Project. Due dates are as follows:

Task #1: Complete planet research by Tues May 3

Task #2: Make model of planet by Fri May 6

Task #3: Calculate planet’s orbital path and take picture by Tues May 10

Task #4: Final presentation by Fri May 13

L2 L3 Monday, April 25 A

Download this file

Download this file

All Periods:
-Use Soc St. COW and complete lab report for the Angle of Insolation lab. See above for the lab report checklist and the original lab sheet.

*IMPORTANT: Follow the steps of the lab report checklist! This lab writeup has 4 additional questions that must be answered in the conclusion section. (See original lab Angle of Insolation lab handout posted above)
ALSO- Be sure to include your graphs and data tables from LoggerPro.

-Completed lab report is due by Thursday, 4/28.

L2 L3 Tuesday, April 12 C

ALL STUDENTS: Bring in both permission slips and money for Yale and Six Flags by Wednesday, 4/13!
Complete Moodle quiz (Moon vocab) by this evening!
Period 1:
-Quiz on Moon phases, tides, and eclipses
-finish book assignment (Section 5 pages 56-62)
Periods 2, 4, 7:
-Quick Moon phase and eclipse review…use Moon/Earth Motions notes handout (posted)…collect
-Quiz on Moon phases, tides, and eclipses
-Discuss Angle of Insolation lab and demo how to use probes
Period 3 lab:
-Write procedure and conduct one trial for Angle of Insolation

Moon Earth Motions notes.pdf
Download this file

Angle of Insolation Lab.pdf
Download this file

L2 L3 Monday, April 11 B

All students: return permission slips (for Yale planetarium and Six Flags) and $$ by this Wed, 4/13!

Periods 1, 2, 4, 7:
-mini PPT “quiz” on moon phases (except per 7 already did this)
-PPT on tides, eclipses and seasons

LAB Period 3:
-Plan Angle of Insolation lab and demo the Vernier probes w/ the COW

Download this file

Moon Vocab Review.ppt
Download this file

Vocabulary for Chapter 28 (Moon, Phases, Eclipses, Tides).doc
Download this file

L2 L3 Friday, April 8 A

Remember to return the permission slips and checks for both field trips by Wed. 4/13!

Periods 1, 2, 4:
-Moon Models lab
-Collect Per 1 HW (Moon reading and questions)

Period 7:
-review Moon video answers
-review moon phases
-Moon Dance video (if time)

-Periods 2, 4, 7: Take Moodle Vocab Quiz or do vocab HW by Monday night, 4/11. Anyone scoring below an 80 must do the vocab sheet!
-ALL CLASSES: Moon Phases, Tides and Eclipses Quiz on Tuesday, 4/12!