Tag Archives: natural resources; L2

Friday, January 13 D

-All students should have the Greenhouse Effect lab turned in by Tuesday, 1/17 (except Per 1…yourS is due Wed, 1/18).
-All students should also be working on completing their vocab lists.
-Mid-term review guide was re-posted yesterday. Don't forget to try the practice quizzes that have been posted for your review here.

Period 3 Class:
-finish Resources PPT
-work on GH effect lab

Period 4/5 Class and LAB:
-finish Resources PPT
-Conduct GH Effect lab

Period 7 Class:
-same as Per 3

Thursday, January 12 C

*ALL STUDENTS: try practice quizzes that have been posted for your midterm review by clicking here! Also: I am reposting the mid-term review package today
-Per 1: complete vocab words (which were specified in class) for Tues
-Per 3: complete "Counting Carbons" w/s for Fri, 1/13
-Per 5: same as per 3, also complete vocab words for Fri, 1/13
-Per 7: "Counting Carbons" w/s and vocab words for Fri, 1/13

Period 1 Class
-GHE lab

Period 5 Class:
-review counting carbons and complete Resources PPT (part 2)

Period 7/8 Class and LAB:
-Resources PPT (up to water quality) and GHE lab

Download this file

Download this file

Wednesday, January 11 B

GHE lab.pdf
Download this file
-Per 5: complete Counting Carbons w/s for Thursday (posted yesterday) and per 7 is to complete this for Fri
-Per 3: complete the Greenhouse Effect lab and counting carbons w/s for Fri
*All students: the Mid-Term review sheets were posted yesterday!
Period 1 Class:
-review vocab
-Resources PPT (GH gases, Ozone)
Period 3/4 Class and LAB:
-review vocab
-review counting carbon asssignment
-Greenhouse effect Lab
Period 7 Class:
-review vocab
-counting carbons w/s (posted yesterday)

Monday, January 9 D

Mrs. Nork is out sick today:(

Period 3 Class:
-watch Global Warming with Tom Brokaw and take notes. Here are the links for the video (in case you are absent too):
Links for the video are blocked from school. You can find Tom Brokaw’s Global Warming on the www.dailymotion.com website. It is listed in 5 parts.

Read Counting Carbons for HW

Period 4/5 Class and LAB:
-same as per 3, but also read Counting Carbons and work on the w/s from Mrs. Burt

Period 7 Class:
-same as Per 3

Friday, January 6 C

-all students should finish the Resources and the Environment reading (given out before break) over the weekend! Copies of this were posted earlier this week.
-all students should have completed and turned in their Energy Sources data table research (which we worked on in class this week).
Period 1 Class;
(Mrs. Nork is out at a workshop)
-watch Eyes of Nye Nuclear Power (video failed…students had a study hall instead)
Period 5 Class:
-watch Eyes of Nye Nuclear Power video and complete questions
Periods 7/8 Class and LAB:
-work on vocab
-Resources PPT (stop at ozone)
-watch Bill Nye's Greatest Discoveries in Sci: Energy

Thursday, January 5 B

Vocabulary for natural resources and cycles.doc
Download this file

-Energy sources research and data table (posted yesterday) is due today (Thurs) for per 1 and tomorrow (Friday) for per 3 and 7. Either submit hard copy in class or upload to Moodle by the due date evening.

Period 1 Class:
-finish Resources PPT and complete more vocab words (vocab list is posted below)

Period 3/4 Class and LAB:
-for per 3: meet in room 501 (across from caf) and conduct energy sources research (posted yesterday).
-for per 4: back to room 247 to finish Resources PPT

Period 7 Class:
-meet in room 501 (across from caf) and conduct energy sources research (posted yesterday).

Wednesday, January 4 A

-All students please complete the reading (Resources and the Environment) packet
-Per 5: energy sources research (from yesterday's lab) is due today in class or tonight on Moodle
-Energy sources research is due Thurs, 1/5 (Per 1) and Fri, 1/6 (Per 3 and 7). Either submit in class on due date or upload to Moodle by that evening.
Period 1/2 Class and LAB:
-PPT on Resources and the Environment (posted yesterday)
-Complete Energy sources data table (word document posted below) using this site http://home.clara.net/darvill/altenerg/index.htm
Period 3 Class:
-Resources PPT
Period 5 Class:
-complete the Resources PPT

Download this file

Energy Sources data table using clara energy site.doc
Download this file

Tuesday, January 3 D

Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome back to school….2 weeks until mid-terms…we can do this!
Period 3 Class:
-look over vocab list for Resources (posted) and sort words into 3 categories: know, heard of it, never heard of it
-PPT on Natural Resources
Period 4/5 Class and LAB:
-same as Per 3
-for lab: go to Room 501 and research info on alternative energy sources at http://home.clara.net/darvill/altenerg/index.htm and complete data table
Period 7 Class:
-same as Per 3

Resources and the Environmentnewer.ppt
Download this file

Energy Sources data table using clara energy site.doc
Download this file