Tuesday, January 26 B

Period 1 Class:
-Energy PPT
-energy reading and questions due Fri, 1/29

Period 3 Class and LAB:
-same as Per 1
-PhET Sims Intro to Energy virtual lab in computer room

Download (PDF, 273KB)

-Intro to Energy lab turned in by Thurs, 1/28
-energy reading and questions (posted yesterday) due Fri, 1/29

Period 7 Class:
-mid-term review and short KE and PE videos
-“All that Energy” practice question
-energy reading and questions due Mon, 2/1

Download (PPT, 1.48MB)


Friday, January 8 A

Period 1 Class:
-finish Resources PPT
-watch short ozone video:

-If time: Bill Nye Climate Change
-Tues, 1/12: meet in computer lab for CFA 1

Period 3 Class:
-short ozone video
-Atmospheric Ozone graphing and questions
Useful sites:

Cool Antarctica

Ozone Hole Watch

The Ozone Hole

-Mon, 1/11: Ozone handout (questions and graphs) due
-Wed, 1/13: meet in computer lab for CFA 1

Period 6 Class:
-same as Per 1
-Wed, 1/13: meet in computer lab for CFA 1

Download (XLSX, 10KB)



Thursday, January 7 D

Period 3 Class:
-finish Resources PPT (ozone, treaties, water resources) and check out NASA’s Ozone Hole Watch
-watch Crash Course biogechemical cycles short video
-vocab due Fri, 1/8
-next Wed- meet in computer lab for retake of CFA 1

Period 6 Class and LAV:
-Climate Variability reading and questions
-video “Powering the Future- the Energy Planet” and discuss pros and cons of different energy sources
-vocab due Fri, 1/8
-next Wed- meet in computer lab for retake of CFA 1

Period 7 Class:
-finish PPT
-show short ozone video:

-vocab due Mon, 1/11
-next Tues- meet in computer lab for retake of CFA 1

Wednesday, January 6 C

Mid Term exam review materials

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-Resources PPT (carbon cycle and GHE) and Climate Variability reading
-“Powering the Future – The Energy Planet” video
-Climate variability reading and questions due Fri, 1/8
-Resources reading and vocab due Fri, 1/8
-Tues, 1/12- post test in computer lab

Period 6 Class:
-watch short video on geothermal energy http://www.energy.gov/eere/videos/energy-101-geothermal-heat-pumps and discuss pros and cons
-Resources PPT (carbon cycle and GHE)
-watch short carbon video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3SZKJVKRxQ
-Resources reading and vocab and Climate Variability reading and questions due Fri, 1/8
-Wed, 1/13- post test in computer lab

Period 7 Class and LAB:
-same as Per 1
-Climate variability reading and questions due Mon, 1/11
-Resources reading and vocab due Mon, 1/11
-Tues, 1/12- post test in computer lab

Download (DOCX, 50KB)

Download (DOC, 58KB)

Download (PPT, 2.08MB)