Tag Archives: l2

L2 L3 Wednesday, May 25 E

Period 1:
-distribute review guide for Friday's quiz
-quick mini PPT quiz on comets, meteoroids, asteroids, planets (posted last week)
-work on review sheet

Periods 2, 4, 7:
-finish Sun PPT
-show latest Sun photos from SOHO
-fun review PPT- Fact or Not?
-work on review sheet
-debrief video on Sun

Study Questions for Test on Chapter 3 (our solar system)NEW.docx
Download this file

Solar System Review- Fact or Not.ppt
Download this file

L2 L3 Wednesday, May 18 F

Comets, Ast, Mets- How big and how far.pptx
Download this file

Student reminder: Six Flags FT is this Friday, May 20. Hope for good weather!

Period 1:
-wrap up planet project

CHANGE IN PLANS! Do this lesson on Monday, along with Sun PPT.
Periods 2 and 4:
-review HW (study guide sheet 29.4 from yesterday)
-Take a PPT review “quiz” on Comets, Meteoroids, Asteroids (How big and how far?)
-Review NASA’s JPL NEO interactive tutorial together. 
-Completed Planet project due Thursday, May 20.

Periods 6/7 (double period lab)
-same as yesterday (Planet PPT Part II and study guide 29.4)
-let students finalize their projects (due tomorrow)