Tag Archives: l2

L2 L3 Wednesday, May 11 A

Remind all students about Planet Project due dates and requirements!

All classes:
-Begin with NASA ScienceCasts Morning Planet Show

Period 1:
-review study guides on solar system

-Formative Assessment Probe: Planetary Alignments, followed by NASA new update

Download this file

Periods 2 and 4:

-FA Probe from Period 1, then PPT on Planets Part I

Period 7:
-finish open notes quiz
-FA Probe from Period 1, then PPT on Planets Part I

The Planets.ppt
Download this file

L2 L3 Wednesday, May 4 B

seasons and planetary orbits L3.pdf
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Quiz (open notes) on Seasons and Kepler's Laws on Friday, 5/6 EXCEPT for period 7 (which is Monday, 5/9).
Period 1:
-Review Seasons handout
-Complete study guide on seasons and planetary orbits
Period 2:
-Health Survey (from the nurse)
Periods 3/4 (LAB):
-do Planet Project Task #3: map out planet's path in Google Earth and draw orbit in Photoshop. Directions for Photoshop are here.
Period 7:
-Review all work from the sub and do the modified lab on drawing ellipses (posted yesterday)

L2 L3 Tuesday, May 3 A

-Check Planet Project Task #1 (completed data table)

Period 1:
-Quick review of Kepler’s laws (see end of PPT)

Download this file

-Drawing Ellipses lab

Periods 2, 4:
-review all work from the sub (from Fri)
-start reviewing Kepler’s Laws worksheet
-(if time): begin Drawing Ellipses lab

Period 7:
-review all work from the sub (from Fri)
-Planetary Motion PPT

Open Notes Quiz this week:
Wed (period 4)
Thurs (period 7)
Friday (periods 1, 2)

drawing ellipses lab – modified.pdf
Download this file

Earth Seasons.pdf
Download this file

Our Solar System 29.1.pdf
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