Click here for practice quizzes!
Friday, June 12 B
Period 1 Class and LAB:
-watch Cosmos #14
-paper sundials
Period 3 Class:
-review for final
Period 8 Class:
-review for final
Thursday, June 11 A
Period 1 Class:
-quiz on measuring stars and BBT
Period 3 Class and LAB:
-work on makeup assignments and finish BB timelines
Period 6 Class:
-finish BB timeline
Wednesday, June 10 D
Click here for final exam review materials and practice quizzes!
Period 3 Class:
-open notes quiz on stars
Period 6 Class and LAB:
-PPT on Cosmology (half)
-open notes quiz on stars
Period 8 Class:
-same as Per 3
Tuesday, June 9 C
Period 1 Class:
-review study guide for Thursday’s quiz
-study for quiz on Thurs (measuring stars, cosmology, sun)
Period 6 Class:
-label star life cycle diagram
-finish BB timeline activity
-PPT on Cosmology
-open notes quiz on star life cycle, measuring stars, etc. tomorrow (Wed)
Period 8 Class and LAB:
-finish Cosmology PPT
-BB timeline reading and activity (can finish after the quiz tomorrow)
-open notes quiz on star life cycle, measuring stars, etc. tomorrow (Wed)
Monday, June 8 B
Period 1 Class and LAB:
-work on graphing review questions for final exam
-watch “How The Universe Works: The Big Bang” and fill out review sheet
-study guide for quiz due Tues, 6/9
-Quiz is Thurs, 6/11 (measuring stars, the sun, cosmology)
Period 3 Class:
-Cosmology PPT
-open notes/open book quiz on Wed, 6/10 (star life cycle, measuring stars, etc.)
Period 8 Class:
-Cosmology PPT
-open notes/open book quiz on Wed, 6/10 (star life cycle, measuring stars, etc.)
Final Exam Review Materials
Click here for some helpful quizzes created by Mrs. Nork and Ms. Burt:
Friday, June 5 A
Period 1 Class:
-graphing Hubble’s law and finding Hubble constant
-review sheet due Tues, 6/9
-quiz is Thurs, 6/11
Period 3 Class and LAB:
-BBT article and timeline
-BBT timeline due Mon, 6/8
Period 6 Class:
-BBT reading and timeline
-BB timeline due Wed, 6/10
Thursday, June 4 D
Period 3 Class:
-Measuring the Stars PPT
Period 6 Class:
-star life cycle diagram (from Ms. Burt)
-Measuring the Starts PPT
-Cosmos: Sisters of the Sun video and w/s
Period 8 Class:
-star life cycle diagram (from Ms. Burt)
-HR Diagram lab