Tag Archives: 2012/2013; energy; L2/L3combo

Wednesday, February 6 B

Period 1 Class:
-Empire State Building warmup
-review work from yesterday


Period 3 Class and LAB:
-same as per 1
-finish PPT on Energy Forms and Transformations
-watch Mythbusters “Penny Drop” and answer questions
video part one:
video part two:


Period 4 Class:
-same as per 1
-begin watching Mythbusters video


-Penny drop questions due next day (Thurs per 1 or Fri per 3 and 4)

Penny Drop.pdf
Download this file

Monday, February 4 D

Period 3 Class:
-Energy transformations lab (“toy lab”)- hand in at end of class
-We will finish the Energy PPT on Wed

-read Energy packet and answer questions for Wed, 2/6. Packet is posted here: http://mrsnork.com/thursday-january-31-b

Period 4/5 Class and LAB:
-finish Energy PPT
-Energy transformations (“toy lab”)- due at end of class

-same as Per 3 above

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, January 31 B

2 Hr delay schedule
Period 1 Class:
-begin PPT on the Nature of Energy and Transformations
-read energy packet and complete questions for Wed, 2/6
Period 2/3 Class and LAB:
-Watch short energy videos:
-due to shortened periods, complete PPT today and save lab for Monday's class
-same as Per 1
Period 4 Class:
-same as Per 1 (including HW)

energy_forms_and_changes newer student copy.ppt
Download this file

Download this file