Tuesday, June 2 B

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-Cosmology and Galaxies PPT (up to evidence for BB)
-BB timeline activity
-BB timelines due Fri, 6/5
-study guide for quiz due Mon, 6/8
-quiz Tues, 6/9 (star brightness, measuring stars, HR diagram, BB, galaxies)

Period 3 Class:
-review star life cycle, HR diagram and work (from yesterday)

Period 8 Class:
-finish Star Life Cycle PPT and do w/s on stellar evolution

Download (PPTX, 1.3MB)

Download (PPT, 2.63MB)


Friday, May 29 D

Period 3 Class:
-finish Star Life Cycle PPT
-work on 30.3 review sheet (Stellar Evolution)

Period 6 Class and LAB:
-finish Star Life Cycle PPT
-work on 30.3 review sheet (Stellar Evolution)
-Universe video and w/s for Life and Death of a Star

Period 8 Class
-same as Period 3

Thursday, May 21 C

Period 1 Class:
-watch planet movies

Period 6 Class:
-take quiz on planetary motion
-when finished, work on vocab for Ch 30 (Stars)
-pecha kuchas start tomorrow!

Period 8 Class and LAB:
-same as Per 6, also watch more of Apollo 13
-pecha kuchas start tomorrow!