Tuesday, May 19 A

Period 1 Class:
-discuss project; look at apod (Hubble galaxy cluster)
-PPT on The Sun n worksheet
-sun worksheet checked tomorrow (Wed)
-planet movie due Thurs, 5/21

Period 3 Class:
-review for quiz tomorrow
-Watch Secrets of the Sun and do w/s http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos/the-universe-secrets-of-the-sun
-quiz tomorrow (Wed)
-Pecha Kucha project finished by Fri, 5/22

Period 6 Class:
-review for Thurs quiz
-quiz Thurs
-Pecha Kucha project finished by Fri, 5/22

Download (PPT, 1.73MB)

Monday, May 18 D

Period 3 Class:
-review grading rubric for pecha kucha astronomy project
-finish PPT on the Planets and begin working on review sheet
-review sheet will be checked tomorrow, 5/19
-Quiz is Thurs, 5/21
-pecha kuchas (and bibliography) due Fri, 5/22 and presentations start Tues, 5/25

Period 6 Class and LAB:
-same as per 3
-watch The Universe: Secrets of the Sun video and answer questions
-review sheet will be checked tomorrow, Tues 5/19
-Quiz is Thurs, 5/21
-pecha kuchas (and bibliography) due Fri, 5/22 and presentations start that same day

Period 8 Class:
-same as per 3
-vocab squares for ch 29
-review sheet will be checked Wed, 5/20
-Quiz is Thurs, 5/21
-pecha kuchas (and bibliography) due Fri, 5/22 and presentations start that same day

Download (DOC, 45KB)

Download (DOC, 58KB)

Download (DOC, 32KB)

Friday, May 15 C

Period 1 Class:
-work in room 501 on videos (due next Thurs 5/21)

Period 6 Class:
-work in room 501 on projects
-Tues, 5/19: study guide due
-Thurs, 5/21 quiz
-Fri, 5/22- pecha kucha presentations and bibliography due

Period 8 Class and LAB:
-finish The Planets PPT (see yesterday’s posts)
The Biggest Stars in the Universe
-Wed, 5/20: study guide due
-Thurs, 5/21 quiz
-Fri, 5/22- pecha kucha presentations and bibliography due


Thursday, May 14 B

Period 1 Class and LAB:
-test on solar system, Kepler’s Laws and star life cycle
-Secrets of the Sun http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos/the-universe-secrets-of-the-sun
-planet videos due next Thurs, 5/21

Period 3 Class:
-meet in room 501 to work on projects
-review guide due Tues, 5/19
-quiz on Kepler’s Laws and Planets is Wed, 5/20
-astronomy pecha kucha presentations (and bibliography) due Fri, 5/22

Period 8 Class:
-The Planets PPT notes

Download (DOC, 58KB)

Download (PPT, 137KB)


Download (DOC, 45KB)

Wednesday, May 13 A

Period 1 Class:
-review for tomorrow’s test
-test tomorrow on planetary motion, solar system, star life cycle
-planet movie due Thurs, 5/21

Period 3 Class and LAB:
-meet in room 501 to worm on projects
-PPT on The Planets (finish tmrw)
-solar system animation http://janus.astro.umd.edu/SolarSystems/
-minutephysics videos
-astronomy pecha kucha due Fri, 5/22

Period 6 Class:
-finish PPT on The Planets
-minutephysics videos
-Ch 29 vocab squares
-astronomy pecha kucha due Fri 5/22

Download (DOC, 58KB)


Monday, May 11 C

Period 1 Class:
-warm-up: review star lifecycle and do mini PPT review
-intro HR diagram http://aspire.cosmic-ray.org/Labs/StarLife/support/HR_animated.swf
-socrative practice quizzes
-review sheet due Wed and test is Thurs
-final planet movie is due Thurs, 5/21

Period 6 Class:
-review Kepler’s hw (from last week)
-short ellipses lab
-work on pecha kucha (due 5/22)

Period 8 Class:
-Kepler h/o and short ellipses lab
-go to Room 501 to work on projects
-pecha kucha due Thurs 5/21


Download (DOC, 35KB)


Download (PPTX, 408KB)