Period 1 Class:
-astronomy misconceptions (socrative)
-show light box and concave/convex lenses
-PPT on the Tools of Astronomy (finish tomorrow)
-Due Thurs, 3/10: read text pgs. 747-752 and do questions #1-7 on pg. 752
Period 3 Class:
-video shorts (from discovery ed) on Chandra and James Webb telescope (if time)
-Doppler Effect PPT (guided notes) and Doppler math
-Doppler short video:
Period 6 Class:
-warm-up from Friday (light gathering power) and show light box and concave/convex lenses
-EM spectrum handout
-start Doppler effect notes (if time)
-Due Thurs, 3/10: read text pgs. 747-752 and do questions #1-7 on pg. 752